Free Open Source Software That Could Make You Rich

Hello Everyone,
I will love to ask you this important question What does the richest man on earth does for a living? He sells software for a living. Today I will be sharing with you software licensed under the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) that could make you some money perhaps make you rich.
This software are gives you the freedom to copy, modify, and distribute it (with friends and families), but not sell or claim ownership of it. You might be thinking at this point how would you make money from a software that is initially freely available and cannot be sold?
This where the business model of Open Source Software comes to play, at least there are four basic ways of making money with open source software namely:
  1. Support: By offering paid support for software licensed under open source could make you tons of money, I once worked with a firm who make a living providing support for Moodle installation and management in a school in UK, the school decided to run online course for their health department. The firm has three staffs in their support department here in Nigeria, their unique selling point is cheap labor the firm offer compared to cost of supporting it in UK.
  2. Customization: One of the number one challenges of FOSS is the similarity in the basic installation of these software, users wants more from this software or want it different from everyone else installation, therefore they will be readily willing to pay anyone to help make their own version of the software different from everyone else own. part of my day to day works involves installing available Open Source Software and customising it. Who said you couldn't do that too, if you are still asking if anybody will be willing to pay for customizing software for them, the answer is of course YES!!!
  3. Deployment: Not All software is click to install, some involves technical configuration to install them or possibly based on requirement you need to be tech savvy to install it properly. If you have the technical speciality or you know how to recruit the right person to do the job right, you should get paid doing that, which  I am very sure you will.
  4. Training: Just like the previous point not everyone will be able to all this open source software because not everyone will or can go through the myriad of their documentation or just feel comfortable having someone guiding them through the process of learning the new skill. This part is the most common aspect of making money because it doesn't apply to open source software alone but to proprietary software like Microsoft Excel, Word, Power Point, etc


 Now back to the software that could make you rich, I make a living from these software and you too could make money from it even more than I do, I get paid for deployment, customization, and support, partly training.

  • KOHA : Koha is an advance Open Source Library Management System, it will help Schools to help save cost in developing their own Library Software. If you can get University who are interested in    in digitizing their library this is the best solution for them.
  • JOOMLA : Joomla is a Web Based Content Management System for building Websites, it can be used to build website that ranges from small to medium scale website. It's easy to use and deploy, you can quickly build a website that performs a lot of operation in fraction of a day. You could charge for deployment, customization, and support.
  • WORDPRESS: Just like Joomla, you can build a website with this platform quickly and easily. The creator of the software interestingly boast of the 5minutes installation and the non-intimidating dashboard back-end.
  • DRUPAL: Drupal is a web based Content Management System that can be used to build any kind of website, It is more complicated than WordPress and Joomla combined but gives you more than both WordPress and Joomla can't offer. You can build any form of content with it (School Portal, eCommerce site, etc)
  • OPENEMR: This is Medical Record Management System for Hospitals, clinic, etc It has a helpful community that could guide you in installing and customizing your own version of the software with readily plugin, and customization tips.
  • Moodle: Moodle is an online course management system for schools, it can manage course work, assignment, even course materials among others. You can promote it to schools who intend to run  online courses and charge them for installation/deployment, customization, support, and training.
  • SUGAR CRM: This is a customer relation manager for small and large scale businesses who want to achieve customer intimacy, make more sales from their existing customer. Sugar-CRM is their go-to     guy, you could charge for deployment, customization, training, and support all as a package.
  • OPENSIS: A School Management System
  • RedMine : A project management System
  • WooCommerce: This is not a software that could run on its own, and with it you can start making online sales and getting paid, or you can totally help install /deployment, customization, even management
  • Magento: Magento is a dedicated eCommerce solution out their, you could help deploy, manage, and support for the software.


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