
Showing posts from September, 2017

How To Generate a Marketing Lead

How To Generate a Marketing Lead? What is a business without customer (I mean paying customers), to get a customer you need to promote your business to potential customers, customers that needs your product/service. For anybody to promote his/her biz requires a lead, This is post is about how to generate a marketing lead for marketing purpose. What is a Marketing Lead? Marketing leads are segment of individuals who have the tendency of buying your products or consuming your service (Consumer). They are your business life line, they are boss, so they should be treated with the utmost respect. The worst that could happen to any business is not to have a customer, so here I am sharing with you easy and cheaper step-by-step ways of generating and acquiring Marketing leads that you can convert to (Paying) Customers. 1.   Existing Contacts: Your Phone-book contacts are potential marketing leads, Social Network (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc) friends and follower, email inb...