PHP# (PHP Sharp)

PHP# (PHP Sharp)

Before you read this please note PHP# is not a new language (at least officially) just my candid opinion of our current PHP. PHP is one of the most insulted language, one of the most abused language, and yet it powers 25% of websites on the internet. Where did it all go wrong? From its history to its users.

I did love to write more than 2000pages manifesto for PHP, as well as running a massive campaign too to have my manifesto taken seriously. I am a big fan of PHP, its easy barrier of entry, its welcoming spirit, it's abused of use are just reasons why its a superb language.

Digging myself into other languages made see the flaw of my beloveth PHP, call me unpatriotic disloyal polyglot (Fair Enough),  like a through lover I did it for love (of PHP maybe) after all PHP wasn't my first language but I only stayed with PHP for long.

Way Forward

If I had my way, I did develop my own Language (bad Idea), I did abandon PHP (forever) and join the crusaders of abusers too (not bad), I did improve on the existing language (better).

Don't Do Different Things, Do The Same thing Differently
Not only will I improve PHP, but I will also rebrand it. Here are lists of what I will do differently:
1. Change The Name to maybe PHP++ because it's going to be a modern PHP and of course make it roll among the league of modern languages like C#.
2. Complete OOP, PHP has a lot of inbuilt functions that do a lot of fantastic jobs on the sideline. I am very sure in other languages could have warranted implementation for that language but fortunately, they are part of the language construct. e.g Array manipulation, string, gd, file, etc.
3. SPL_autoload should run in the background as a language construct, so I can import my class, interface, etc by just using "App/Models/Users" isn't that sweet to have, and of course a clean way of namespacing. 7.4 arrow function is a big mess, trying to copy JavaScript arrow function aint good enough, we will copy it better and possibly make it better. The asynchronous call will be part of our new implementation so that our beloved PHP can run long processes without timing out.
4. Multi-Purpose use will be our focus(Web, mobile, desktop, IoT) so therefore we make it Compilable to PHP machine code (borrowing from .net) you know we are modernizing our beloved language. So each machine can compile it to its machine-level code.
5. Freemium after-all the essence o fall this improvement is to make more money for business people, it won't be a bad idea to charge for some services. Although it's going to be open-sourced managed and owned by the opensource community, there will be an arrangement for partners to offer paid support to the derivative of its framework based on standardization and certification. PSR won't be a bad partner here since they have been laying out standardizing PHP.
6. Cottage industries like WordPress, Laravel, Drupal, etc with derivative works will be encouraged to port to the improved language possibly maintaining the old language in parallel with the new one.
That's all for now if you are a PHP developer or fans, or even PHP disliker what do you think about my thought? What are the options not considered that you deemed fit?


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